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If you’re over 50...

And your bone density keeps getting worse...

Even when you’ve done EVERYTHING right... including exercising and getting all the calcium, vitamin D, and other bone nutrients you need...

Then you need to hear about this SHOCKING NEW DISCOVERY.

Scientists have discovered a hidden reason why your bones are growing thinner and more brittle with every passing year.

It’s all about a little-known part of your body’s bone-building that all the calcium pills and workouts in the world can’t help.

And this part of your bone-building is so essential, Harvard researchers confirm this discovery is the KEY to rebuilding and keeping strong bones.

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But this discovery is also so new, it’s not your doctor's fault if they giving you the standard bone health advice.

They Simply Haven't Heard About This.

Our family friend, Julie, had that exact same problem. Her doctor didn’t know about this discovery.

Julie followed every one of her doctor’s recommendations. She got plenty of calcium and vitamin D, exercised, and rarely had more than one glass of wine with dinner.

But that didn’t stop her from suffering a BONE HEALTH NIGHTMARE she never thought could happen to her...

After all, Julie was ONLY 53 YEARS OLD... and didn't have a family history of bone problems.


Then last summer she stepped off her back porch... and heard a snapping sound...

Pain shot up from her right foot and ankle. She screamed and fell to her knees.

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Her husband, who had been flipping burgers on the grill, ran to her side.

"What happened?" he said.

"Ow! All I did was take a step," Julie said. "I didn’t twist it or anything!"

But it didn’t matter.

When they got to the hospital the emergency room doctor confirmed she’d fractured two bones in her foot and one in her ankle in that short little step.

Worse, the two foot bones broke at odd angles. So she would need to have surgery on her foot.

While waiting for her scheduled surgery, Julie was in agony. She took fistfuls of pain relievers just to get through the day.

And because getting around on crutches was a hassle, she sat on her couch all day watching TV...

...while everyone else she knew was enjoying summertime fun at the pool and the beach.

Then, two days before her surgery, she woke up and felt a pain in her calf muscle on the uninjured leg. So now she couldn’t put her weight on her left leg either without pain.

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The next day, the pain in her calf had traveled up her leg. And her whole leg was turning a dark ugly red color.

Julie’s husband rushed her back to the emergency room.

They asked her about her symptoms, examined her leg, and hurried her in for an ultrasound.

And when the test results came back and the doctor told her what had happened, Julie was horrified.

She had a deep vein thrombosis – a deadly blood clot - in her left leg.

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And because she needed to go on blood thinners immediately to save her life, her foot pain and disability would continue with no surgery date in sight.

The doctors told her it would take at least three months for her clots to dissolve so it would be safe to operate.

So in a matter of weeks, Julie had gone from being an active, healthy, happy woman...

...to a crippled miserable person who couldn’t walk a single step on her own...

...or do the things she loved like gardening and hiking...

...and whose life was now on the line.

The good news?

Julie survived this six-month-long nightmare and she’s slowly recovering. She needs a cane to get around now.

But she told me a part of her will never be the same.

"I feel so OLD", she said. "I’m afraid to do the things I used to do without thinking. What if I break another bone? I couldn’t take it."?

It was sad to hear Julie say that. But she also made an important point...

You’re only as old as your bones.

You could have a perfectly healthy heart, brain, lungs, and more...

But if you have brittle bones, it can put you on the fast track for disability… a nursing home... and even death.

Especially when it comes to hip fractures.

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In fact, over 250,000 Americans over age 65 will break their hip this year.

And women who break their hip are 5 TIMES more likely to die in the next 12 months.

But thanks to this new discovery, this doesn’t have to happen to you.

This discovery is so huge, it’s sending shockwaves through the scientific community.*

In fact, it’s turning our understanding of why bones become weak or stay strong UPSIDE DOWN.

And this discovery goes far beyond the reason why bone loss happens.

It also holds a true key to rebuilding rock-solid bones. And holding on to them for life.

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Hello, my name is Dr. Holly Lucille. I’m a licensed naturopathic doctor and I’ve been featured as a health expert on national programs like The Dr. Oz Show and The Doctors.

Before this discovery, many of my patients came to me with bone loss.

Like most doctors, I recommended getting more exercise. Eating a balanced diet rich in calcium and other minerals.

And stopping habits like smoking or excessive drinking that can wreck bone health.

I also suggested supplements like calcium and vitamin D.

But even the patients who religiously followed all of my recommendations saw their bone density continue to get worse.

I also suggested supplements like calcium and vitamin D.

But even the patients who religiously followed all of my recommendations saw their bone density continue to get worse.

I was frustrated to see how nothing seemed to work.

So when I heard about this discovery, it nearly knocked me off my chair.

Was it really true that bone loss could be stopped completely by this new discovery... and even REVERSED?

The answer is YES.

It turns out that scientists have discovered a little-known "Architect Cell" in your body that’s essential for youthful strong bones.

This "Architect Cell" halts excessive bone loss. And it kicks off a frenzy of natural bone building.*

The experts at Harvard Medical School confirm this discovery is a game-changer.

Here’s what Harvard’s Dr. Paola Pajevic wrote in a recent article:*

"Our understanding of the function of [Architect Cells] has expanded dramatically... [Architect Cells] are now recognized as orchestrators of bone remodeling and mineral homeostasis."

And other scientists agree. This bone health discovery explains so much.

You see, until now, no one understood why bone break-down increased once you had your 50th birthday.

They also didn’t know why your bones stopped being built at a quick clip.

They just had risk factors and theories about hormones.

But now they know. It’s because these "Architect Cells" start dying off around age 50.*

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And there’s one sneaky culprit to blame.

If you fix this culprit, these "Architect Cells" can regenerate to rebuild rock solid bones at any age!

And it turns out this fix is easy… affordable…and takes just 30 seconds a day.

It’s also safe. It has zero side effects. And it’s available without a prescription.

Just imagine...

Never worrying again about your thin, brittle bones...

Climbing down stairs, lifting things, and going out on an icy winter day with confidence and strength...

Doing all the things you love like traveling, gardening, and playing with your grandkids...

Socializing with friends and family… even going out on the town dancing...

Feeling how your endless back and hip pain is simply GONE...

Amazing your doctor when you ACE your next bone density scan...

Enjoying an active, independent life for decades to come...

And saying "NO" to the nursing home!

It’s all possible when you unleash the full power of this bone-building "Architect Cell" in your body.

So what is this remarkable cell?

Let me explain. As you may know, your body is constantly building up new bone and breaking down old bone.

New bone is built by cells in your body called osteoblasts.

Old bone is broken down by cells called osteoclasts.

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When you’re under age 50, your body maintains a delicate balance between the activities of these two types of cells.

So new bone building keeps up with bone breakdown. Keeping your bones strong.

But then the balance tips at age 50. And now scientists have finally uncovered the reason why.

It’s all due to a bone cell called osteocytes.

It turns out osteocytes are the "Architect Cells" that give you strong bones!

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This shocked the scientific community because researchers used to be convinced that osteocytes were completely passive cells.*

Researchers didn’t think these cells did anything at all.

So all the focus was on the osteoclasts and osteoblasts – the worker cells that build and tear down bone.

But recently new technology gave researchers the ability to accurately see what osteocytes do.

And they were blown away by what they saw.

You see, they saw that osteocytes are the real architects of your bones.

Osteocytes are the cells that give the orders to your other bone health cells.*

They tell osteoclasts to break down bone. And they tell osteoblasts to build up bone.

THEY are the orchestrators of this delicate balance.*

And that’s not all.

Osteocytes also decide whether minerals like calcium are used to build bone. Or if these minerals just go to waste.*

And to top it off, these "Architect Cells" also are sensors for weight or pressure on a bone.

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This is essential for strong bones. Because when bone is pressured, the body builds up more bone.

That’s why weight-bearing exercise helps build strong bones.

But exercise won’t work without healthy "Architect Cells".

So when something goes wrong with these cells, your bones quickly become brittle.

Your body’s ability to maintain this delicate balance between tearing and building up bone...

Your body’s ability to use necessary minerals like calcium to build new bone...

And your body’s ability to respond well to bone-building activities like weight lifting...

It all goes haywire.

So problems with these cells are the real reason why your bones become weak and brittle.

It’s also why eating a calcium-rich diet or taking supplements can fail people.

That’s because – without "Architect Cells" running things - your bones become like an abandoned construction site with just a few guys demolishing the building...

But no one there to rebuild.

And a pile of raw building materials – calcium and other minerals - being ignored.

All because these cells start getting damaged and dying in large numbers after age 50.

And no one knew why these cells were getting damaged and dying. So scientists decided to find out.

Using the same new technology, scientists discovered a sneaky culprit that KILLS "Architect Cells".

The culprit?

Free radicals.*

As you may know, free radicals cause oxidative stress on cells.

And this oxidative stress is what damages and even kills your "Architect Cells".

So, while getting enough minerals like calcium is very important for strong bones, fighting this culprit is a must.

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And there’s one type of nutrient that works better than any other to fight the free radicals that can damage your strong bones.

I’m talking about antioxidants.

And not just any antioxidant. I’ll explain more about that in a moment.

As you may know, antioxidants are molecules that neutralize free radicals. This stops the chain reaction called oxidative stress that’s attacking your bone building cells.

So antioxidants stop the destructive chain reaction before it can get started.

Not only that, science shows how when this one "bone superstar" antioxidant is combined with a special and very specific blend of other unique bone nutrients...

...the combination becomes an unstoppable force for restoring rock solid bones!

That’s because these nutrients work together to unleash your body’s full bone building power.

So this antioxidant won’t work on its own. It must be combined with this special nutrient blend.

But first, it’s all about getting the right antioxidant...

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This antioxidant is a bone health miracle that’s shown to reduce bone loss, increase calcium absorption, and promote bone-health hormones.*

But what makes this antioxidant truly unique is its ability to protect your "Architect Cells" from free radicals.

You see, researchers wanted to find out exactly how well this antioxidant worked to fight free radicals...

So the researchers went to a highly polluted country where the people are exposed to massive amounts of free radicals... Indonesia.

Indonesia is so polluted, a quarter of a million people there die every year from exposure.

In Indonesia the researchers found 24 people who worked where they’d be exposed to even more pollution: gas station workers.*

How bad could it be for these gas station workers?

Well, just picture what it’s like to work at a gas station in a country where there’s NO control over the emissions of cars.

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The air is thick and hard to breathe. You feel like you’re choking.

And then another car rolls into the gas station where you work, spewing out smoky-looking exhaust.

So these gas station workers had some serious exposure to pollution.

But the researchers wanted to be 100% sure. So they tested the gas station workers for their free radical levels.

And – no surprise – they saw that the workers had sky-high levels of free radicals in their bodies.

Then the researchers separated the gas station workers into 4 groups.

Group one was given a placebo. Group two was given this bone health antioxidant. Group 3 was given vitamin E. And group 4 was given a combination of nutrients.

They took these nutrients or placebo pills for 30 days.

Then the researchers tested the gas station workers’ free radical levels again.

And they saw something amazing – the bone health antioxidant group had dramatically lowered their levels of free radicals compared to all the other groups!

We’re talking really big… the researchers saw that the group taking this antioxidant slashed their free radical levels nearly in HALF!

This is incredible considering how "polluted" these people’s bodies were.

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So this antioxidant is clearly a powerful weapon against the biggest enemy of your "Architect Cells" - free radicals.

But that’s just the start. Because this antioxidant is also a potent bone health nutrient on its own.

In a review published in the British Journal of Nutrition, researchers compared intake of this bone health antioxidant and bone density in 3,529 people.*

And the researchers found that people who consumed more of this antioxidant had significantly higher bone density in their neck and spine!

But it gets even better. In another study, researchers studied female rats with bone loss.*

They gave the rats this antioxidant in their drinking water for 60 days.

Then they tested the rats’ bone density.

The result? The rats taking this antioxidant reversed their bone loss!

Not just stopped. REVERSED their bone loss!

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So what IS this superstar antioxidant?

Believe it or not, it’s...

Good old VITAMIN C!

But as I said before, taking vitamin C on its own won’t work to restore "young again" bones. You need the other unique bone nutrients too.

Not only that, there’s something else you need to know about vitamin C...

While not getting enough vitamin C can speed up bone loss... *

You can also easily get too much for your bones!

Clinical studies have now discovered that high doses of vitamin C are actually dangerous for your bones.

That’s because high doses of vitamin C can cause problems for your “Architect Cells” – even kill them.*

So you want to take the just-right “Goldilocks” amount of vitamin C.

But vitamin C is just the start...

Because your "Architect Cells" must have the raw materials necessary for rebuilding your bones.

Especially calcium. And that’s where most people run into serious trouble.

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Because calcium can act like cement in your arteries.

Studies show how calcium pills can make your arteries stiffer with age, strain your cardiovascular system, and make your blood pressure creep up.*

In fact, calcium supplements can put you at risk for serious heart health problems.*

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And here’s the most likely reason: most calcium supplements are made from ROCK.

Yes, you heard that right.

90% of all calcium supplements sold today are made from marble and limestone.*

When’s the last time you sat down to a hearty meal of rocks?

Obviously, our bodies weren’t designed to eat or absorb rocks.

Now, you may think dairy is the answer instead...

But new research shows how dairy is useless for your bones.

In a study recently published in the journal Menopause, researchers looked at the diets of 3,302 women for 24 years.*

And they were shocked to see how useless dairy was for women’s bones, particularly during and after menopause when bone loss speeds up.

No matter how many dairy products the women ate, it didn’t matter one bit.

Because dairy didn’t slow down their bone loss OR cut their risk of fractures.

This is mind blowing. We’ve always been told dairy is the ultimate food for strong bones.

Now that myth is busted.

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So if calcium pills put your heart health at risk... and dairy can’t help you... how are you supposed to get enough calcium?

But to get all the bone building benefits, you need something else.

It’s the sunshine vitamin most of us don’t get enough of.

That’s right, vitamin D.

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As you may know, your body can’t absorb calcium without vitamin D.

Research shows how vitamin D not only helps you absorb calcium, it also moves the calcium out of your blood and onto the surface of your bones. This makes your bones stronger and less likely to break.*

In a study published in the journal Bone, postmenopausal women who took calcium and vitamin D had dramatically better bone density.*

But it gets even better...

An analysis of 8 studies involving 31,000 people found that supplementing with calcium plus vitamin D SLASHED the risk of hip fractures a stunning 30%!*

That’s amazing...

So by taking calcium with vitamin D, you can slash your risk of hip fractures and hold on to your precious independence...

And taking vitamin D is a must these days because you’re probably deficient.

According to a report by Scientific American, a whopping three-quarters of U.S. adults are deficient in vitamin D.*

That’s an epidemic. So many of us are deficient in vitamin D.

And here’s why...

Most foods don’t contain ANY vitamin D. And the foods that are fortified with vitamin D often have too little to make a difference.

That’s why supplementing with vitamin D is a must. And essential if you want to have strong bones at any age.

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But vitamin D STILL isn’t enough if you want to get the full bone-building power of calcium…

You see, there’s a little-known nutrient that not only helps your body absorb calcium, it also directs calcium to the RIGHT places in your body.

Remember how calcium can act like cement in your arteries?

Well, that’s where this nutrient is a hero.

This little-known nutrient helps calcium GET to your bones and then helps your body move that calcium INTO your bones.*

Even better, it BLOCKS calcium from building up in your arteries. So it significantly lowers your risk of heart health problems.

So what is this little-known nutrient?

Vitamin K2.

And the number 2 in that vitamin’s name is important. Not all types of K vitamins work the same way.

You see, vitamin K is actually a group of vitamins.

And while there are several types of vitamin K, the two that are important for your health are vitamin K1 and vitamin K2.

But studies show vitamin K1 does NOTHING for your bone health while vitamin K2 is an amazing bone nutrient.*

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In one double-blind, randomized study, the researchers gave 244 postmenopausal women either vitamin K2 or placebo for three years.*

The result? The vitamin K2 group had significantly stronger bone mineral content, bone density, and bone strength.

But the scientists were even more amazed by the heart health results.

Because the vitamin K2 group had remarkable reduction of age-related stiffening of their arteries… and actual improvements in the elasticity of their blood vessels!

Not only that, vitamin K2 reduces your risk of bone fractures.

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In 7 different long-term studies, researchers followed Japanese women taking vitamin K2.*

And the Japanese women taking vitamin K2 slashed their risk of spinal fractures by 60%...

Slashed their risk of hip fractures by a whopping 77%...

And slashed their risk of non-spinal fractures by a staggering 81%!

Vitamin K2 is pretty amazing, right? Well, let me tell you about a fifth little-known bone nutrient...

It’s one of the most overlooked nutrients when it comes to bone health.

And you’re highly likely to be deficient in it because of today’s processed diets and high stress levels.

Even if you eat a great diet, this bone must-have has been depleted from the soil thanks to modern farming methods.

And sadly, this nutrient is crucial for good health. Besides promoting strong bones, it also supports the health of your brain, heart, digestion, and more.

I’m talking about magnesium.

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New research out of England shows how a magnesium deficiency increases your risk of a bone fracture.

And getting enough magnesium can slash your risk of a fracture.

The researchers followed 2,245 middle aged men for 20 years.*

The researchers also tested the blood of the participants for nutrient deficiencies.

And what they saw astounded them. They found that the men with higher levels of magnesium were 44% less likely to have a bone fracture.

And it’s not just men who benefit from getting enough magnesium.

In another study, scientists gave postmenopausal and elderly women a magnesium supplement or a placebo.

After 30 days, the women taking magnesium had significant reduction in bone loss!*

So how does a magnesium deficiency affect your bones?

Studies show how not getting enough magnesium reduces the number of osteoblasts in your body.*

That’s bad news.

Remember, osteoblasts are the builder cells your "Architect Cells" control. And they’re necessary to keep your bones strong. You can’t have strong bones without them.

To make matters worse, a magnesium deficiency also INCREASES the number of osteoclasts – the cells that break down your bones.

That means less bone building... and more tearing down of your bones.

So, in order to rebuild strong bones and reduce bone loss, you must get enough magnesium.

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As you can see, you can do wonders for your bone health by taking vitamin C, calcium, vitamin D, vitamin K2, and magnesium.

And here’s great news.

Because so many folks are struggling with brittle, weak bones, I reached out to a group of professional researchers and laboratories here in the US.

It’s a group called PureHealth Research.

Together we worked to come up with a new formula that delivers ALL of these nutrients, plus more...

It’s called Bone Health Formula.

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Bone Health Formula is the FIRST and ONLY formula that harnesses the full bone-building power of your "Architect Cells".

That’s because Bone Health Formula gives you the ultimate bone-health antioxidant – vitamin C - to protect your "Architect Cells" from damaging free radicals better than any other nutrient.

Vitamin C also keeps your bones strong AND can even reverse bone loss.

And Bone Health Formula gives you the exact right "Goldilocks" amount of vitamin C – 90 milligrams.

That’s the full recommended daily amount.

Not too little. Not too much. Just right.

And as you now know, the right amount of vitamin C matters if you want strong bones. Too much or too little vitamin C can lead to brittle, weak bones.

Bone Health Formula also gives you this bioavailable whole food calcium blows away other calcium pills – improving bone density and reducing bone loss.

And Bone Health Formula gives you the bone health heros vitamin D and magnesium.

But that’s not all. We also included a scientifically studied form of vitamin K2.

K2 gives you the superior form of K2 called menaquinone-7 (MK-7). MK-7 is clinically shown to effectively grab calcium out of your bloodstream and put it into your bones.*

In addition, to make sure your bones get complete support, we’ve also included...

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Zinc: Studies show how zinc helps boost bone building while suppressing bone loss.*

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Copper: Copper is essential for supporting the collagen formation necessary to build bones.*

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Potassium: This mineral blocks calcium loss from bones – helping keep your bones strong.*

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Manganese: Manganese is an important “helper” mineral when combined with other bone health nutrients.

In a study of postmenopausal women, a combination of manganese, zinc and copper with calcium stopped bone loss in its tracks!*

So there you have it. Altogether you get 9 vital nutrients in Bone Health Formula.

These nutrients work together in perfect concert to:

  • Deliver the necessary minerals and vitamins needed for building strong bones

  • Stop excessive bone breakdown that can make your bones brittle

  • Protect your “Architect Cells” from free radicals to unleash your body’s full bone-building power

So you can have rock solid bones at any age!

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Now, are you ready to find out how to try Bone Health Formula?

Before you do though, do this real quick...

Close your eyes and imagine going about your usual day...

But thanks to Bone Health Formula you never worry about your bones...

Instead you’re doing all the things you love with ease and confidence – vacationing with family, planting a garden with your grandchildren, and taking long walks with your spouse...

You’re getting out and having fun with friends...

You’re walking up and down stairs without worry...

Your hip and back pain has disappeared...

You’re standing straight and proud...

You’re keeping up with people half your age...

In fact, you feel like a "youngster" again!

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Next, picture going to your doctor’s office for your next bone scan...

You lie on your back on the X-ray table and stay perfectly still while the scanning arm moves over you.

Then, once the bone scan is over, you go to sit down with your doctor in his private office.

He sits at his desk across from you, shaking his head and looking at the results of your scan.

Finally he says in a wondering voice, "I can’t believe it. Your bone density has improved so much... it’s NORMAL."

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You nearly laugh at his amazed expression. Especially when you remember how he told you there was no hope your bones would be strong again.

Instead of laughing, you smile and thank him... and then practically dance on your way out of his office.

And here’s the best part of all. With rock solid bones you’ll be able to enjoy an active, independent life at any age...

And never be a burden to your family. Or get stuck in a nursing home.

All you have to do is take Bone Health Formula.

And right now is the absolute best time to get Bone Health Formula.

Here’s why. This formula is BRAND NEW.

This is the first time it’s being released to the public.

That’s why we’re offering you a special introductory offer today.

But it’s only going to be available at this price for a very limited time.

You see, when we put the finishing touches on Bone Health Formula, we decided we would charge $150 per bottle.

And when you think about all the time that went into testing and researching...

...plus finding the highest quality ingredients and the exact right dose...

Along with how life-changing this formula could be...

Well, I think you’ll agree...

...it would be a bargain at that price.

After all, how much is it worth to you to have strong bones?

To put an end to your worries about falling and suffering a fracture?

To get relief from nagging hip and back pain?

And to get back to living your life to the fullest?

If you’re anything like me, you’d pay hundreds and even thousands to enjoy a youthful, vibrant body for the rest of your life.

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But I know $150 is out of reach for a lot of people.

And I want to make Bone Health Formula available to everyone who needs it.

So I sat down with the folks at PureHealth Research and they agreed to bring the price down to $49.

Think about it... that’s just $1.63 a day. That’s less than a small latte!

And you can save EVEN MORE by selecting a 3 or 6 month supply at checkout. Which is the smart move... and costs just $1.1 a day!

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So don’t wait another minute to click on the button on the bottom of this page now.

There isn’t time for any pause or hesitation...

Because this is a brand-new formula, we have a very limited supply.

So it’s first come, first serve.

I just checked with our Customer Service team, and I’ll be completely shocked if we have any inventory left by the end of the day.

And remember, Bone Health Formula is only available right here...

Right now...

Through this private invitation.

When you click on the button below this video, it’s going to take you to a secure checkout page.

This checkout page is completely secure because we use an encrypted merchant account with the same high level security as websites like Walmart and Amazon.com.

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So you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your information is 100% safe.

On that secure page simply tell me where to send your supply of Bone Health Formula, enter your payment info, and I’ll handle the rest.

And you risk NOTHING.

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We’re so certain you’re going to love your stronger bones, every bottle of Bone Health Formula is fully backed by my 100% Money Back "Bones of Steel" Guarantee.

Either you’re absolutely thrilled with Bone Health Formula...

...and you have a WHOLE YEAR to decide...

...or you get every penny back.

Just send us an email within the next year and you'll get a prompt and courteous refund of every penny you paid.

No questions, no hassles. Just a big "thank you"! for giving Bone Health Formula a try...

So there’s absolutely no risk when you say "yes" and order today.

I think you’ll agree: That’s as fair as it gets...

And there’s also something else you’ll get when you take action now...

Because when you try Bone Health Formula today, I’m also going to give you two FREE Bonus eBooks.

The first one is called "7 Secrets to Stronger Bones"

This eBook is worth $39.95... and it’s yours FREE.

The second eBook is also worth $39.95. It’s called...

"How to Renew Your Youthful, Flexible Joints"

You’ll find out all the proven ways to support your healthy joints...

And finally get blessed relief from aches and stiffness!

That’s $79.90 in FREE gifts when you try Bone Health Formula today.

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And these bonuses are yours to keep whatever you decide.

There will be no further cost or obligation. This way you risk nothing.

But remember, this “early bird” deal could disappear at any time.

So it’s time. Now you have to make a choice.

You can continue the way you’ve been going... with brittle weak bones that can keep you from doing the things you love... and could even take away your precious independence...

Or, you can try Bone Health Formula and finally get your strong bones back.

All you have to do is click the button below and tell me where to send your supply of Bone Health Formula.

Remember, when you try this breakthrough today, you’ll get the biggest savings that will ever be offered.

And no matter what you decide, you’ll have a full 365 days to try Bone Health Formula for yourself.

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But because of limited supplies, we’re likely to sell out fast.

And if you put it off, we may not have any more in stock until we get the next batch in.

So give Bone Health Formula a risk-free try now.

You’ll be so glad you did. And that’s a promise...

Thanks for watching, I’m Dr. Holly Lucille.